Chiton Phone

After starting to sketch this design idea, it reminded me of chitons. Chitons are these cool mollusks that must be the inspiration for half the alien costumes on Star Trek. A little photo magic and the chiton is applied to a phone. The idea may be a little too funky, but if the design were cool enough, it might work.

closed up?
The many-plated mollusks or chitons (class Polyplacophora) have eight plates and look like pill-bugs (but pill-bugs are not chitons). Chitons crawl along rocks looking for food (usually algae). A chiton uses its radula (tongue) to scrape algae off rocks. It also has very hard teeth that are also used to scrape algae off rocks. These teeth are hard enough to etch glass. Embedded within their shells are primitive "eyes" that detect light.

Chitons are very, very slow moving. During a year, a chiton may move only ten feet.